Grow Great, a campaign with the aim to galvanise South Africa towards a national commitment to achieving zero stunting by 2030, is calling for submissions for its annual Grow Great journalist of the year awards. The competition that is now running for the third year seeks to honour journalists who have written on issues of stunting and malnutrition in the previous year.

The prevalence of stunting (a condition arising from prolonged undernutrition and affecting physical and brain development) remains high in South Africa. One in four (27%) of children under the age of five are affected by it. Despite this, there is still not enough awareness of what stunting is and how it threatens the futures of children.

The award serves as a gesture of appreciation to members of the press who work tirelessly to inform and educate South Africans about stunting and the importance of adequate nutrition in the first 1000 days of a child’s life.

Print, broadcast and online journalists are invited to submit two samples of their work to

The winner, who will walk away with a cash prize of R50 000, will be announced later this year. The closing date for all submissions is Thursday 30 September 2021.

Duduzile Mkhize

Communications Specialist

083 692 4891

Ofentse Mboweni

Communications Officer

081 031 1154