About Grow Great

Grow Great is a national campaign that aims to mobilise South Africa to halve stunting in young children by 2030. Grow Great tackles the drivers of stunting in young children, pushing for national change while supporting local action.

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Grow Great’s Footprint


Stunting is a condition that arises from prolonged under-nutrition and it affects physical and brain development.

It’s defined as shortness in height for a child’s age and it can only be diagnosed by comparing the child’s measurements to standardized growth charts.

What are the first 1000 Days?

The first 1000 days of a child’s life (i.e. from conception to age two) is an opportunity to establish a foundation for children’s academic success, health and general well-being. However, it is also a period of vulnerability to stunting.

Why are we concerned about stunting?

1 in 4 of South Africa’s children under the age of five years old are stunted. Stunting robs young children from reaching their full potential. Stunted children on average perform worse at school than their non-stunted counterparts, are more likely to be unemployed as adults, are at higher risk of getting diseases like diabetes and hypertension and are vulnerable to being trapped in inter-generational cycles of poverty. This is unjust as stunting is completely preventable.

What prevents stunting?

The first 1000 days of life are a key time for development and growth. Mothers and babies need good nutritious food, high quality healthcare and clean & healthy environments to flourish and grow great.

Annual Report 2023

The year 2023 was underscored by a distressing surge in media coverage, documenting the tragic instances of children succumbing to hunger. in the face of this poignant crisis, there has never been a more critical and relevant juncture for the existence of Grow Great.

Annual Report 2022

Grow Great is a national campaign that aims to mobilise South Africa to halve stunting in young children by 2023. Grow Great tackles the drivers of stunting in young children, pushing for national change while supporting local action.

2022 provided an opportunity for the Grow Great Campaign to drive significant progress towards meeting its Phase I goals. We were granted an extension year by our funders to catch up on targets, making up for some of the setbacks caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.