
The Grow Great Campaign seeks to galvanise South Africa towards achieving zero stunting by 2030. These are our priorities.


Using a social franchise model, and drawing from the latest literature, Flourish aims to provide universal access to mom & baby classes (called Flourish visits) that support, celebrate and empower pregnant & new mothers through the critical first 1000 days of a child’s life.


Community Health Workers (CHWs) are the critical workforce best placed to address the drivers of stunting in homes and communities. They are at the core of our campaigns’ success. The Champions for Children Club celebrates, affirms and supports Community Health Workers across the country.


We all have a role to play in helping South Africa’s children Grow Great! Supporting South Africa’s mothers to exclusively breastfeed their children up to age six months (or as long as they are able to) is one of the greatest gifts we can give the next generation of South Africans. Breastfeeding is not only packed with all the essential nutrients and disease fighting antibodies young children need, it is also great for our economy.


Countries that have demonstrated noteworthy reductions in stunting have done so by prioritising interventions targeting women of reproductive age and children under five, (with an emphasis on the critical first thousand days of life), adopting a multisectoral approach, garnering high-level government prioritisation of stunting and driving community level interventions grounded in high quality data. Stunting can (and MUST) be beaten!