
Articles & Reports

Poverty Public Policy

Exploring the impact of a maternal support grant to improve mental health and food security amongst pregnant women in South Africa during the COVID‐19 pandemic.


Stunting affects the development of more than a quarter of South African children under five years of age. Defined by the World Health Organisations (WHO) as low height-for-
age Z-score, stunting is a result of prolonged malnutrition undernutrition leading to unreached physical and cognitive growth and development potential.


The South African Early Childhood Review 2024 reveals a concerning decline in the well-being of young children. However, it also highlights an important window of opportunity to change course and make a positive impact.


The Grow Great Stunting Survey Report provides an in-depth analysis of the current state of child stunting in South Africa. This comprehensive report highlights the prevalence of stunting among children under five, explores the contributing factors, and presents actionable recommendations to combat this critical public health issue.

Grow Great stunting Survey REPORT (Worcester) 2021

The study we conducted in partnership with Stellenbosch University on four neighbourhoods in Worcester set out to respond to two objectives: to describe the prevalence of stunting in children under five years of age by means of a cross-sectional survey, and to collect data on evidence-based drivers of stunting to inform locally relevant intervention design.

Grow Great CoCare Maternal Support Study 2021

Grow Great conducted a study on pregnant CoCare voucher recipients, many of whom had experienced hunger, poor mental health, and economic insecurity in the months following the national lockdown that was imposed to curb the spread of COVID-19. Pregnancy is a time of increased vulnerability for mothers and their unborn children, who need nutritious food for a healthy pregnancy and a foundation for good growth respectively.

Impact of eggs on stunting

Eggs are a good source of nutrients for growth and development. We hypothesized that introducing eggs early during complementary feeding would improve child nutrition...

Eggs, the uncracked potential for improving maternal and young child nutrition

Eggs have been consumed throughout human history, though the full potential of this nutritionally complete food has yet to be realized in many resource-poor settings around the world...

2016 South African Demographic & Health Survey

This is the South Africa I know the home I understand through the lens of how we reproduce life by giving birth, regulate it through contraception, live it through education, work, accumulation and enjoyment of material and non-material resources...

Grow Great CoCare Maternal Support Study Follow-up Report 2022

This report details the findings from the CoCare study, which looked at the effects of providing pregnant women and new mothers with a digital food voucher between 2020 and 2021, and focuses on the follow-up phase. Download the full report here.

flourish alumni survey 2022

To understand the impact of Flourish pregnancy and mom & baby classes, Grow Great tasked ikapadata with conducting a survey of Flourish alumni from the beginning of October until the end of November, 2021. Download the full report here.

Grow Great stunting Survey REPORT (mqanduli) 2021

In 2019, Grow Great, in partnership with Philani Maternal, Child Health & Nutrition Trust and Nelson Mandela University conducted a study profiling the nutritional status of children under five in Mqanduli and surrounding villages. The results of this study are now available. Download them below.


attachment and Bonding

Our video about bonding, please watch or download.

Breastfeeding in the workplace

Our video about breastfeeding in the workplace, please watch or download.

Complementary feeding

Our video about complimentary feeding, please watch or download.

Grow Great introduction

Our Grow Great introduction, please watch or download.

Mental health

Our video about mental health, please watch or download.

Recognising pregnancy

Our video about recognising pregnancy, please watch or download.